Students are required to attend courses and lecturers are required to record attendance. 75% attendance is compulsory during each semester for filling End Semester Examination Forms. Students can view their attendance records in monthly attendance report and are responsible for assuring accuracy. It is the student's responsibility to contact their lecturer if they find any discrepancy. Non-attendance may negatively impact a student financially or may lead to debarment from filling examination forms. Course-specific attendance policies are located in course syllabi. Online course and system deadlines are based on the Indian Time Zone. Any course using multiple instructional methods as outlined below will use the attendance criteria for all instructional methods assigned to the course. 

For purposes of this policy, attendance at the College in online courses includes:

  1. Submitting an academic assignment;
  2. Taking or submitting an exam;
  3. A posting by a student showing the student’s participation in an online study group that is assigned by the College or attending a study group that is assigned by the College;
  4. Participating in or posting by a student in a discussion forum showing the student’s participation in an online discussion about an academic matter;
  5. Initiating contact (email, in-person, or other documented contact) with the instructor to ask a substantive question about the academic content studied in the course (instructor discretion);

For purposes of this policy, attendance at the College in web-enhanced and hybrid courses includes:

  1. Attending a class in-person or virtually where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students (must be present and visible for the entire class with your video camera turned on when attending virtually);
  2. Submitting an academic assignment;
  3. Taking or submitting an exam;
  4. A posting by a student showing the student’s participation in an online study group that is assigned by the College or attending a study group that is assigned by the College;
  5. Participating in or posting by a student in a discussion forum showing the student’s participation in an online discussion about an academic matter;

For purposes of this policy, attendance at the College in in-seat and virtual courses is: 

  1. Attending a class in-person or virtually where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students (must be present and visible for the entire class with your video camera turned on when attending virtually).

Students are expected to attend all classes and laboratory periods for which they are enrolled. The lecturers defines conditions under which an absence is excused. Under extenuating circumstances, the lecturers may also consider additional substantive academic activity for attendance purposes.