I would like to extend my gratitude to the founding members, governing bodies and all those wo have worked tirelessly to bring this college to fruition. Your vision and dedication have laid the foundation for an institution that will nurture young minds and provide them with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today's rapidly evolving world. I am truly honored and humbled to have been entrusted with this important responsibility and I am excited about the journey we are about to embark upon together.

My Dear Students, you are the pioneers of this college and I commend you for choosing to be a part of this new chapter. We are committed to providing you with a dynamic and innovative learning environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking and hands-on experiences. As the principal of this newly formed college, I am committed to fostering an environment of inclusivity, diversity and equality. We will strive to provide equal opportunities for all regardless of their background and circumstances.


Rajesh Kumar
